How to Write a Great Persuasive Essay
Often accomplishment of our attempts to a great extent relies on producing the influence on a person or a group of people to accept our point of view. But, unfortunately, it is not all that simple to make it, even if the truth and the common sense are on our side. An approach to affect the knowledge of individuals confronting their own basic reflection is persuasion. Persuasion is a truly rare, but very useful skill.
The meaning of persuasion is the belief that it’s possible to make the interlocutor completely agree with certain conclusions by means of logical reasoning, and then to establish and consolidate new or transform the old settings corresponding worthwhile goal on this basis. Convincing communication skills can be learned on various trainings, and independently, in schools, universities, etc. Persuasive essays are widely applied in academic writing practice and are often assigned in the work place.
Convincing communication skills can be learned on various trainings, and independently, in schools, universities, etc. Persuasive essays are widely applied in academic writing practice and are often assigned in the work place essay writing net. How to convince people? Let’s find out how to write persuasive essay best of all and achieve success in studies. Principles and methods of persuasive speech below will teach you the ability to persuade.
How Do You Write a Persuasive Essay?
There are many various methods and tips on how to prepare for persuasive essay writing or deliver a great persuasive speech in classroom. Here are the basic principles of convincing people for either of purposes:
Principle №1
- Сlear understanding of own intentions
To form or to change an opinion of people, or to encourage them to do whatever the action is necessary, it is important to clearly understand their intentions and to be deeply confident in the validity of the ideas, concepts and reasons you are going to present in your essay.
Confidence helps to make unambiguous decisions and implement them without any hesitation, holding steadfast position in the assessments of various phenomena and facts.
Principle №2
- Structuring
The persuasiveness of your essay or speech depends on its structuring, reasonableness, consistency and logic. Structured papers allows in an accessible and understandable way to explain the main points, help to strictly follow the plan, so to better perceive the listener. That is why you should know how to write a persuasive essay outline.
1. Introduction
Your essay should have an effective entry essay writing net, interest and attract people’s attention, build trust and create an atmosphere of friendliness. Thesis should be clear. Learn how to write a hook for a persuasive essay. The introduction should be brief and consist of three, four proposals for objects of speech and tell us about the issue that will be discussed.
Introduction sets the mood and tone of the voice. Serious beginning gives speech discreet and thoughtful tone. Humorous start lays a positive mood, but one should understand that started as a joke sets the audience on a playful way, it will be difficult to talk about serious things after that.
2. Body
It should be understandable, clear and informative. Be sure it’s not confusing and chaotic. Break the main thoughts and ideas into several parts. Think of smooth transitions showing the relationship of one part to another, etc. The main content can be communicated in different ways:
- statement of facts that can be verified;
- expert opinions, opinions of people who have authority in the area;
- quotes, animating and explaining the material;
- case studies and examples to explain and illustrate the facts;
- the description of your own experience and theories;
- statistical data that can be checked;
- reflections and projections about future events;
- funny stories and anecdotes (in small doses), within the meaning of reinforcing or disclosure of the position in question;
- literal or figurative comparison and contrast, showing approval by a demonstration of the differences and similarities, etc.
3. Conclusion
The conclusion of the persuasive essay is often one of the most difficult and important moments. It must restate thesis, enhance the effect of the entire paper. People will remember long what is said in the conclusion. At the end, as a rule, there must be a call to action, alongside your summary.
Principle №3
Provide the evidence and strong arguments in support of your ideas
For the most part people are rational and seldom do what they do not want to. Therefore, your essay will need to convince people to find good arguments to explain the justification and feasibility of your proposal expressed in persuasive essay.
Thus, you can provide “pros”, the thoughts, statements and arguments used to support a particular point of view. They answer the question of why we need to believe in something or act a certain way. The persuasiveness of your speech depends on the correctness of the chosen arguments and evidence. Having made a list of arguments of a good vote, think about the facts why they are suitable in a particular case and whether they will act or not in a given audience. After you weigh all the “pros” and “cons,” select the remaining two or three which are the most effective.
The criteria of evaluation and selection of arguments
- The arguments must be good, backed by thorough evidence. Essay should sound convincing, and supported by the facts.
- In preparing it, make sure that your arguments are not without a foundation.
- Good arguments should be competently and concisely built into the proposal. They should not sound out of place.
- Even if your argument is well supported and justified, it can be not persuasive. People react differently. Some of your facts and arguments may sound convincing, but others – may not. Of course, you can not know for sure what impact your argument will have, but at least to try to use the most convincing.
- In order to make sure that you really will present hard evidence, ask yourself at least three questions:
Where the information is from, from what source? If the evidence is taken from a biased or unreliable source, it is better not to use it or look for confirmation from other sources. The most reliable ones are printed peer reviewed sources, compared with the others.
Is the information fresh? Of course, the data should be up to date. You cannot use the outdated ideas and statistics. What was three years ago, may be wrong today. Your overall convincing may be questioned because of the malfunctioning.
What’s the use of this information? Make sure that the proof is a clear justification for reasons you have cited otherwise there will be no use from it.
Principle №4
- Submit audience-oriented information only
Arguments are stable or prevailing sentiments, whether negative or positive, associated with a particular matter, object or person. Typically, people express opinions. You should express your opinions well supported by the information that will be interesting and sought after by the audience.
The more information you gather about it, the more chances you have to make a correct assessment. The more experienced you are in the analysis of the audience the easier it is to make your persuasive essay or speech convincing.
You can evaluate the person or a group of people (the audience) on a scale from outright hostility to extreme support.
Describe your audience as having a negative attitude (people hold the view completely opposite); not having a clear opinion on the issue (participants are neutral, they do not have the information); and positive (students share your view).
The difference of opinions can be expressed this way:
- hostility,
- disagreement,
- restrained disagreement,
- neither for nor against,
- restrained favor,
- favor,
- an exceptional favor.
– If participants fully share your view, understand what you are saying and agree with you in everything you need to adjust your goal to, concentrate on a specific plan of action.
– If you think that your audience has no definite opinion, set a goal to convince them to act to form their opinion.
– If you think that the audience does not have its own point of view, because it is not informed, it is your primary task to give enough information to help to understand the nature of the case, and only then have to deal with convincing appeals, inspires actions, etc.
– If the audience is neutral in relation to the subject, but it is capable of objective reasoning, and may take reasonable arguments, then your strategy will be representation of the available arguments and reinforcing the best information.
– If you think that your listeners do not have a clear position, because the thing they do not care about it deeply, it is necessary to direct all your efforts to deprive them from indifference. Speaking to this audience, do not focus the attention on the information and use the material confirming your logical chain of evidence, it is better to focus on motivation and address the needs of listeners.
– If you suspect that they do not agree, then the strategy should depend on whether the audience is completely hostile or moderately negative.
– If you suspect that the reader will be aggressive in relation to your opinion, clearly, it is better to come from far away, or start from a global goal. It makes no sense to rely on the persuasiveness of speech and a complete revolution in the attitude and behavior after the first attempts. First, it is necessary to slightly change the attitude, “plant a seed”, get to think about why your words have some importance. And only later, when the idea in the human mind “grows”, you can move on.
– If a person has a position of the moderate disagreement, just bring your arguments, hoping that their weight will cause him or her stand on your side. Try to present the material clearly and objectively to think about your offer over, at least to understand your points of view.
If you properly evaluate the position of your future listeners, you have really high chances of convincing them.
Principle №5
- Motivation force
Motivation, initiating and guiding behavior, often caused by the use of incentives with a certain value and significance are the key to success.
The impact of the stimulus is the strongest when it is a part of the important goals and points to a favorable remuneration or something like that.
- Imagine that you are asking people to donate a few hours to participate in some charitable program. Most likely, the time that you convince them to spend, will not be perceived as an incentive reward, but as some sacrifice. How to convince people? You can present this charity work as a significant incentive to giving rewards. For example, you can do so that the audience could feel the importance of the case, feel social responsibility, etc.
Use motivation to meet the basic needs of people, they are better.
Principle №6
- The right manner and intonation
The persuasiveness of essay or speech involve certain intonation both in written and oral essay. When you present your essay in class the power of sound, pitch, tempo, pauses and accents, etc. matter.
– Monotony is always depressing, even a person having an ability to listen, will not be able to pick even very interesting and useful information.
– Too high tone of oral presentation is annoying and produces unpleasant effect on hearing.
– Too low tone can doubt what you say and give your disinterest.
– Try your voice to make it beautiful, expressive and emotionally intense if you present your essay orally. Fill your voice with optimistic notes.
– A little slow, measured and calm pace of speech is preferred. There should be clear pauses between semantic segments and ends of the sentences, etc.
Do not forget that the credibility and persuasiveness of speech also depends on a number of skills, in particular by:
- the use of certain methods to manipulate people,
- culture and literacy of what you write (vocabulary provides clarity of your speech to the public or the interlocutor),
- the eye contact with the audience also matters, which not only helps to establish the contact, but simplify the impact and allows us to understand if what is said is accepted or not,
- the ability to present yourself and make the first impression,
- the ability to stay natural, etc.
Now you are aware of how to write a good persuasive essay in detail: from structuring to the intonation for its presentation in front of the audience. The principles and methods of writing persuasive essays are equally effective for both the conviction of the audience and for personal relations. What each students who has to write a persuasive essay must always keep in mind is:
- The general form of presentation of the results and their interpretation in correspondence to the genre of the issue of an essay.
- The clarity and sharpness of presentation,
- Evidence of the logic structuring,
- Write a competent thesis to put forward the argument,
- Consider different points of view and their personal assessment,
- Intelligently apply a category of analysis,
- Skillfully use the methods of comparison and generalization to analyze the relations of concepts and phenomena,
- Be able to explain alternative views on the issues and come to a balanced conclusion,
- Use a large number of different sources of information,
- Reasonably interpret the text information using charts and graphs if needed,
- Give personal assessment of the problem, and so on.
If you have any further queries on how to write a thesis for a persuasive essay, stylistic devices and possible hooks, how to get professional essay writing help and useful templates, you are welcome to visit our website and get more useful information on academic writing essaywriting net. Good luck
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